Clovis and company wintered in North Umbria into 869. In the summer he travelled with Ivar to Ireland. The vikings planned to raid the Irish country, but the sons of Erin had united and their army kept the norsemen bottled up in their port of Dublin.
Ivar devised a plan to fracture the Irish alliance. He sent Clovis to the north to attack Irish holds to draw off their forces.
Clovis target was an Irish hold called Blackpool.
Clvis led the charge through the front door.
Candice secured the family as hostages.
The raid was a success. The Irish lord reurned and negotiations begun to ransom the family. Clovis stalled for time, his mission was to keep these men away from the main Irish force. But his scouts returned with dire news- the Irish were stalling for time too- they had sent a flanking force across upriver and they were preparing to fall upon Clovis company in the night.
The irish sorcerers had also summoned some foul magic air from the village well and it had put one of the camp folloers into an eternal sleep before Clovis discovered it.
The company abandoned the village beore the trap was sprung. They returned to Dublin on their ships, giving the hostages to Ivar.
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